Title III (B-D-E)
The Older Americans Act (OAA) was signed into law on July 14, 1965. The original Act created the Administration on Aging and authorized grants to states for community planning, services, research, and demonstration and training projects in the field of aging. Later amendments provided grants to area agencies on aging for local needs identification, planning and funding of services. The Act was reauthorized and amended in 2000, at which time the National Family Caregiver Support Program was established to support family, friends and neighbors caring for an older person as well as for grandparents and other older relatives caring for children.
DSAAA has been designated by the Minnesota Board on Aging (MBA) as the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for the Northwest Planning and Service Area in Minnesota.
As a state-designated AAA, DSAAA administers OAA funds and is responsible for the development of a coordinated and comprehensive system of services for older adults and their caregivers in Kittson, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Beltrami, Clearwater, Red Lake, Norman, Mahnomen, Hubbard, Becker, Clay, Wilkin, Otter Tail, Grant, Stevens, Traverse, Douglas, and Pope Counties. To accomplish this, DSAAA awards Title III OAA funding to agencies and organizations that provide direct services for older people (age 60+) and their caregivers.
2022 Title III Older Americans Act Funding Cycle
The Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging (DSAAA) is seeking applicants for funding under Title III of the Older Americans Act. Funding is available to develop and/or expand services for older adults (age 60+) and their caregivers in DSAAA’s twenty-one county service area for the period of January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022.
Funding categories include Title III-B Supportive Services, Title III-D Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services and Title III-E National Family Caregiver Support Program Services. Examples include:
Title III-B
Assisted Transportation
Telephone Reassurance
Friendly Visiting
Title III-D
Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs such as
A Matter of Balance (MOB)
Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL)
Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP)
Title III-E
Caregiver Respite
Caregiver Counseling
Caregiver Training
All Grant Proposals
Time Line
Assurances Instructions
Proposals Less Than $5,000
Attach 1 - Title-IIIB Less than $5,000 - Contract Proposal - Budget Instructions and Forms
Title III-D Mini-Grant Application
Bingocize Program Opportunity
Proposals More Than $5,000
Application Check List - Title III COMPETITIVE B-D-E
Title-IIIB - Contract Proposal - Budget Instructions and Forms
Title-IIID - Contract Proposal - Budget Instructions and Forms
Title-IIIE - Contract Proposal - Budget Instructions and Forms
Appendix A - 2021 Poverty Guidelines
Appendix B - Cost Share Sliding Scale Example
Appendix C - Title III B-D Service Definitions
Appendix C - Title IIIE Service Definitions
Appendix F - Sample Non-Discrimination Policy
Appendix G - Sample Civil Rights Complaint Procedure
Appendix H - NAPIS 2021 ADL-IADL
Application Narrative - Sample
Attachment 2 - Persons To Be Served Form
Persons to be Served Instructions
Attachment 3 - Outcome Form
Outcome Instructions
Attachment 4 - Program Narrative
Attachment 5 - Agency Information & Fiscal Capacity
Attachment 6 - Report of Past Performance
Report of Past Performance Instructions
Attachment 7 - Assurances of Compliance and Certification - Application to ALL
Attachment 8 - Single Audit Determination Form
For Help with Technical Assistance, contact:
Danica Robson – Pennington & Red Lake 218-745-9129 danicarobson@nwrdc.org
Amy Dallmann – Becker, Clay, Mahnomen, Otter Tail, & Wilkin 218-745-9117 amy@nwrdc.org
Carol Bye – Polk and Norman 218-745-9104 cbye@nwrdc.org
Connie Troska – Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Marshall & Roseau 218-745-9118 connie@nwrdc.org
Judi Weiss - Beltrami, Clearwater & Hubbard 218-745-9119 judi@nwrdc.org
Steph Aasness - Douglas, Grant, Pope, Stevens & Traverse 218-745-9120 stephanie@nwrdc.org
Submission Process and Deadline:
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The application, whether mailed or hand delivered, must arrive at the Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging (DSAAA) office no later than 3:00 p.m., on Friday, October 22nd, 2021. Applications must be mailed or hand delivered to the Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging, 109 South Minnesota Street, Warren, MN 56762. DSAAA does not accept a postmark date but requires receipt of the application in the DSAAA office by the application deadline.
Applications may not be transmitted using electronic media such as facsimile (FAX) or e-mail. Late responses will not be accepted and will automatically be disqualified from consideration and returned. The method of delivery shall be at the discretion of the applicant and at the applicant's sole risk.
BIDDERS CONFERENCE – 10am on Monday, September 27th via ZOOM
Older adults and their caregivers are key members of our society, community, and family. The pandemic has taught us that when we work together, we can successfully support and assist those in need. If your organization is interested in continuing to support older adults and their caregivers or in implementing a new service, MNRAAA encourages you to submit a 2022 Title III application. Together, we can assist older adults in maintaining the lifestyle of their choice.
Direct submission inquiries to:
Judi Weiss, Grant/Contract Manager
Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging
109 South Minnesota Street
Warren, MN 56762
218.745-9119 / judi@nwrdc.org