Return to Community Initiative
A majority of Minnesotans have said they would rather stay home than live in a nursing home over the long-term. A state legislative initiative, called Return to Community, has been helping people find the services and resources needed to make this wish a reality for nearly a decade. In many cases, it’s just as safe, and more cost-efficient, for older Minnesotans to live at home.
Cooperation and Planning
It began as a plan to work in partnership with public
agencies and nursing facilities to help nursing home
residents return home. Now, it has expanded to enlist
the help of all health and home care providers.
It starts with a referral to the Senior LinkAge Line®
where an expert works one-on-one with the person
to help plan to return to independent living.
A unique feature of this initiative is that the Community
Living Specialist from the Senior LinkAge Line® stays in
touch with the individual over the long-term. The
specialist may call or visit for up to five years after
the initial consultation.
How Does it Work?
The Community Living Specialists at the Senior LinkAge
Line® have countless resources from which to draw.
The ideal candidate will meet the following conditions:
Desire to live independently
Support of friends and family
Willingness to accept help
Not currently receiving Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
When a consumer is referred to the Senior LinkAge Line®, a Community Living Specialist (CLS) will meet with the consumer and/or caregiver to determine wants and needs. The CLS will generally follow these steps:
Design a success plan
Explore and recommend community services to help the consumer at home
Help the consumer and/or caregiver build a budget for success
Follow-up in person and over the phone for up to five years to ensure long-term success
To learn more about the Return to Community Initiative or if you would like assistance staying in your home and living on your own contact the Senior LinkAge Line at (800) 333-2433!