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Title IIIE Providers - Caregiver Counseling & Respite


Services under these categories assist family caregivers in making decisions, solving problems related to their caregiving role and also services that offer temporary, substitute care, supervision, support, or living arrangements to older persons in order to provide a brief period of relief or rest for informal caregivers.


Caregiver Counseling includes: individual or family counseling, coaching, support groups, training and education, and self-directed support services. These services may be provided in person, by telephone or via the internet depending on the needs of the caregiver(s).


Respite Care includes: in-home respite; out-of-home respite; and facility-based respite.




Northwoods Caregivers

The idea of Northwoods Interfaith was introduced to the area after three separate surveys identified a gap in services to the elderly and people with special needs. The Bemidji Area Council of Nonprofits was asked to become the lead agency on this new program's development and in 1997, a meeting of area congregations, interested residents, and human service agencies was held to research community response to the project. The group then assigned a steering committee to carry out the necessary work, and in July of 1998, a full time Executive Director was hired. Since then, the program has grown to include more staff and has provided more than 10,000 hours of direct service each year.


For more information click HERE.



Living at Home of Park Rapids Area

Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area is a private 501(c)(3) non profit organization committed to its mission of mobilizing volunteers and other community resources to enable seniors to remain in the home of their choice.


Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area offers a number of services to help area seniors live comfortably in the home of their choice, such as transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping and limited light housekeeping. We also provide respite care, which allows a family caregiver a much deserved break while a trustworthy person stays with their loved one and caregiver coaching. A majority of these services are provided by volunteers who give generously of their time and talents. However, our staff facilitates a monthly caregiver support group and provides a majority of the service related to our newest endeavor, Geriatric Care Management.

 For more information click HERE.


Since 1865, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota has responded to Minnesota's changing needs by being wholly committed to making life better for our citizens.


Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota traces its history to 1865 when Vasa Lutheran Church opened its church to care for four children in need. Pastor Norelius came up with a community response that inspired hope and changed the life of the community.


Services for older adults are designed to support the well-being of older adults and ensure they have choices in services and the opportunity to participate in community life.


For more information click HERE.


Lutheran Social Services

Central Minnesota Elder Network is located in Alexandria, MN and was incorporated in September 1996 as a non-profit organization.


Our mission is to support aging adults experiencing transition, loss, and change by obtaining services designed to meet their emotional, social and respite care needs.


Our primary focus is to provide our elderly neighbors with the support that is necessary when their choice is to remain in their own homes as they age. As a result, our community thrives when
we maintain a high quality of life for everyone.


For more information click HERE.


Elder Network
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